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Weather station READ

Station status: OPERATIONAL   Description: Transfer Interlocking (Readville MA)

Rail temperature 1NormalTrack 1 N rail                                    
Rail temperature 2NormalTrack 1 S rail                                    
Rail temperature 3NormalTrack 2 N rail                                    
Rail temperature 4NormalTrack 2 S rail                                    

Railroad: Amtrak  Line code: AB      Subdivision: BOSTON  Milepost: 218          Milepost offset (ft): 1800           

Time zone: America/New_York  Use DST: Yes

Latitude (degrees, N is positive):42.22712             Longitude (degrees, E is positive): 71.13902            

Mailing list (short messages): DLRailtempMTCESMS@amtrak.com                      

Mailing list (long messages): DLRailtempMTCE@amtrak.com                         


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Alarm 1

Type of alarm: Respond if one of the measurements is above the set point

Active: Yes    Class: STD            

Monitored Values Rail Temperature
Set points
Air Temperature
Set points
NoAlt. Temperature 2
NoAlt. Temperature 3
YesRail temperature 1
YesRail temperature 2
YesRail temperature 3
YesRail temperature 4
YesOutside air temperature
NoTime since successful processing
of archive file
                    Set point for notices
125.0                Set point for warnings
127.0                Set point for alarms
135.0                Set point for critical alarms
                    Set point for notices
93.0                 Set point for warnings
95.0                 Set point for alarms
102.0                Set point for critical alarms